The Fashion Spot: When did you first start your blog?
Olivia Lopez: I began my blog in November 2006, but my blogging roots can be traced back through my weird obsession with documenting things, ever since I was 5 and bought my first journal.
I’m a creature of habit and went through the Xanga and Livejournal phase – but posts dated from 2006 were mainly re-caps to look back upon and have an accessible source for photo outings with my friends.
tFS: Who takes your pictures?
OL: Anyone on any given day that I’m dressed up and wandering around town!
tFS: What fashion sites and blogs do you read daily?
OL: I don’t have internet on my phone, nor do I have a set schedule to maintain a fixed daily read, but when I do I love to peek at JakandJil, Them-Thangs, Apatchofskye and 4thandBleeker.
tFS: Favorite time of year for fashion?
OL: Fall! I love Autumn tones and layers and leggings. I live in them! Uncomfortably, even during the summer, I’m all for fur vests and leggings for day strolls. It’s also reminds of the excitement of school, and my birthday.
tFS: Fantasy dinner companion(s)?
OL: Randy Pausch, Jack Kerouac, Kelly Cutrone and F.Scott Fitzgerald
tFS: What do you hang on your walls?
OL: Polaroids, a giant Who poster, and a collage of beautiful things I love. But I’m currently on the lookout for a giant old map of the world to hang above my bed.
tFS: What are your favorite labels and designers?