- Drew: a 26-year-old consultant from North Carolina and a self-proclaimed sports fanatic.
- Kenny: a 27-year-old nightlife enthusiast and entrepreneur, Night Tap and Coast Medical Service.
- Jay: a 29-year-old actor who’s learned that honesty isn’t always the best policy, especially when it comes to critiquing a woman’s looks.
- Rafael: a 32-year-old fashion designer and the main man behind 214 Designs.
- Kyle: a 21-year-old southern boy who loves having a good time and his girlfriend.
- Stephen: a 27-year-old CEO, the founder of Jobferral.com and a married man.

The Boys Weigh in on Some of NYFW's Most Interesting Trends for Women
Menswear-Inspired Pantsuits
Love ‘em or hate ‘em, and when (if ever) is it okay for a woman to wear a pantsuit?
Rafael: Not on a younger woman. The slacks or jacket broken up could be a good look, but all together it’s more appropriate for older women or work attire.
Stephen: I like it when it’s more fitted. Pantsuits work for upscale happy hour in NYC.
Jay: Not a fan, they look too masculine. This works on the runway…no, at work I guess.
Kenny: Love it in the boardroom. Hate it for a social event. Only works at the office, that’s about it.
The overall verdict? Looks like the men were mostly split on this one, but one thing’s definitely clear—they don’t want to see you prancing around town in a pantsuit anytime soon, unless, of course, you’re at the office or an upscale happy hour in NYC.
Military Jackets
What’s the first thing that comes to your mind?
Jay: 1st Reich. It’s like some weird vintage military fantasy.
Stephen: Cruella de Vil + Eva Braun.
Drew: Baller. You’ve got to be a boss to wear it, but I like it.
Kenny: She probably wants to go to war with me, but it’s too butch looking.
The overall verdict? Men either love it, hate it, or just flat out just don’t get it. Oh, and military jackets also remind them of some pretty evil stuff!
High-Shine Leather
First impressions, and high-shine aside, how do you feel about a woman in leather?
Kyle: What the f? I like Cat Woman or Angelina Jolie in leather.
Drew: What’s on underneath? I’m definitely feeling leather.
Stephen: It begs a man to say, “Is that a mirror on your pants, because I can see myself in them?” And that’s a loaded question. I’ll stick to “into it.”
Rafael: When made right with real leather (not pleather), it can be an amazing piece to add to one’s wardrobe. It’s a way to bring metallics to leather and for the girl who loves black to throw a little bling on. Like most styles, leather is sexy when fitted.
The overall verdict? Men equate leather with sex, and therefore want you to wear it. As far as high-shine goes, only a couple of them were feeling it.
Cat Eyes
Love it or hate it, and what’s the first thing that comes to your mind?
Jay: Hate it. Cats freak my sh*t out! Don’t they steal people’s breath?
Kyle: Hate it. I would be into it if their makeup didn’t look awful.
Kenny: I HATE CATS!!! This look probably takes way too long to put together and looks ridiculous while screaming high maintenance. Did I mention I hate cats?
Rafael: Nice for special occasions and models but should definitely not be a habit.
The overall verdict? Um, guys hate cats? And anything to do with cats (i.e. makeup)?
Big Hair
Thoughts on this trend, and what’s your favorite hairstyle on a woman?
Kyle: Are they trying to be cavemen? I love it when a girl’s hair looks nice, but not like she’s trying too hard.
Kenny: It looks like morning after sex hair. Hate it if I’m meeting you out somewhere. Love it if you are leaving my place. As far as my favorite hairstyle goes, whatever my girlfriend’s currently sporting.
Drew: Hate it, big hair just looks dirty and like it’s not taken care of. Hoping not to sit behind someone like this at a movie. I like longer hair with slight curls.
Stephen: Love it. It reminds me of cotton candy. Any sort of long is my favorite. Least favorite? Bald. Is that a hairstyle?
The overall verdict? Leave the big hair to catwalks and models. Men are digging long, simple locks—nothing too crazy or high maintenance.