If you’ve always wanted to purchase a designer handbag for less, now is the time. Handbag sales are at an all-time low, thanks in part to debt plaguing young Americans. Quartz reports that the average American owned 11 handbags and bought 2 each year in 2011. That number has declined gradually over the years, dropping by 5 percent from the year prior in 2014, according to The NPD Group. Brands are responding by slashing handbag prices nearly in half, selling their most popular arm candy at deep discounts. Get in on the fun with our roundup of stylish designer handbags that are currently on sale. Shop them in the slideshow above before they sell out!
![Black Friday 2020](https://thefashionspot.staging.vip.gnmedia.net/wp-content/uploads/sites/11/2020/11/Black-Friday-2020.jpg?w=282&h=188&crop=1)
The savings are significant.