I started back in April 2008 because I was a huge follower of blogs like The Sartorialist and Style Bubble, so I figured I might as well start my own! Back then I didn’t know too much about blogging, I felt like I had to follow some sort of formula. Now it’s more about posting things that make me happy, whether it follows blogger standards or not.

How would you describe your individual blog posts, and how would you describe the vision for you blog as whole?

I will always be a fan of The Sartorialist – his photos are always perfect. I also love Stylelikeu, Filippa Berg, and Shala Monroque’s blog.

How would you describe your personal style?

Ever-evolving. I am constantly playing around with different eras and personalities. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn’t, but it’s all about having fun with it.

Who are your favorite labels and designers?


What do you want to be doing in five years?

I’d like to be working in the fashion industry, and hopefully own a Mexican food restaurant.


Read Karla’s blog at karlascloset.com

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