Name: Roxana Altamirano
Blog: NerdBoyfriend
Age: 32
Location: Los Angeles
Occupation: TV Marketing

A: In January 2009. It used to be just photos of celebrities I was in love with, and their clothes. It’s a lot broader now, which is okay – there’s only so many times I can post Jim Henson or Eli Cash. Also, I’m a lot more fashion-conscious.
Q: How do you decide what to post?
A: I often get excellent photos from my readers and my friends and contributors Maura and Tony. Other than that, I just think of someone I admire and start searching.

A: Put This On, Selectism, Inventory Magazine, The Selvedge Yard.
Q: What’s your favorite time of year for fashion?
A: Fall. More variety.

Q: Who reads your blog? Do you pay a lot of attention to reader feedback?
A: I don’t really get feedback, just a lot of suggestions, which I try my best to include.
Q: Is there anything that you’d like to change about your blog eventually?
A: No thank you.